General Commands
- /calendar - displays current year, season, month
- /sit - sit on any available space on a block
- /lay - lay down on any available space on a block
- /crawl - crawl around on any available space on a block
- /spin - spin continueously on yourself
- /pvp - teleport to Avatarverse's PVP Server
- /creative - teleport to Avatarverse's Creative Server
- /rpg - teleport back to Avatarverse's RPG Server
- /vote - list vote links for the AV Server
Character Commands
- /char, /character - Opens current character's menu
- /chars, /characters - Opens multi-character menu
- /card [character] - displays character information
- /bio [bio] - displays or sets your character bio
- /create - creates a character
- /delete - deletes a character
- /playtime [character] - checks your current character's -- or the specified character's -- playtime in the last 2 weeks
- /realname <character> - displays the specified character's Minecraft username
- /rpn <username> - displays the specified player's current character name (roleplay name)
- /grace [off] - displays whether you're on a grace period; the "off" argument disables grace period
- /reroll - rerolls your character's subelements
- /rerolls - displays character's remaining rerolls
- /mail <character> - directly messages someone in-character
- /home [name] - teleports to your character's home, if set
- /sethome [name] - set a new home for your character
- /delhome [name] - deletes your character's home
- /cfx - displays your current character effects
Bending Commands
- /b, /bending - Bending plugin commands
- /b help <topic>, /b h - provides help on how to use an ability
- /b display <element>, /b d - lists an element's abilities
- /b bind <ability>, /b b - binds an ability to a slot
- /b clear [slot], /b c - clears all binds or just the given slot
- /b who <username>, /b w - displays player's element/ability info
- /b toggle, /b t - toggles your bending
- /b preset, /b p - allows for creating, deleting, binding, listing presets
XP Commands
- /xp - checks your current character's total xp amount
- /xp today - displays amount of xp earned today and from which sources
- /xp next - displays amount of xp needed to reach next level
- /xp top - displays the xp leaderboard
- /skilltree - opens your skill tree
- /skill unlock <skill> - unlocks a skill via command if possible (useful for Bedrock players)
- /points - displays the number of Mastery Points you have
Chat Commands
- /msg <username> [message] - directly messages someone out-of-character
- /r <message> - replies to someone
- Chat channel commands
Economy Commands
- /bal, /money - displays your character's balance
- /bal <top> - displays money leaderboard
- /pay <character> <amount> - pays another character
- /shop list - Lists all NPC shops
- /shop locate <name> - locate an NPC shop
- /lotus, /lotusshop - opens the Lotus Shop
- /lc, /lotuscoins - displays your Lotus Coin balance
Item Commands
- /assets - opens your current character's assets menu
- /dye [hex-code] - dyes the held item the given color, if eligible
- /is, /itemswitch - switches the item between its 2 corresponding models, if possible
Combat Commands
- /combat - checks your current combat status
- /combat on - enables combat mode, allowing you to be fought in settlements
- /combat off - disables combat mode (outside of settlements you are still unprotected)
- /duel <character> - displays current year, season, month
- /dttd <character> - requests to duel someone; does not result in knock-outs
Property Commands
- /p, /property, /house, /h
- /p info [address] - displays information about a property at your location, or at the given address
- /p pay - pays for the property at your location, either renting or buying it
- /p autopay - toggles auto-pay for the property at your location
- /p vacate - vacates the property at your location (moves out)
- /p trust - trusts a character or rank in the property at your location
- /p trust <character> - trusts a character
- /p trust <rank> - trusts a rank
- /p untrust - untrusts a character or rank in the property at your location
- /p untrust <character> - untrusts a character
- /p untrust <rank> - untrusts a rank
- /p transfer - transfers ownership of the property at your location to another character or polity
- /p transfer character <character> - transfers ownership to a character
- /p transfer nation <nation> - transfers ownership to a nation
- /p transfer province <province> - transfers ownership to a province
- /p transfer settlement <settlement> - transfers ownership to a settlement
- /p price [new-price] - views or sets (if qualified) the price for the property at your location
- /p type [payment-type] - views or sets (if qualified) the payment type for the property at your location
- /p refreshprice - recalculates the price of the property at your location based on the province/nation settings
- /p refreshprices <province> - recalculates the prices of all properties in the given province based on the province/nation settings
- /p auto - teleports you to a randomly selected available property in your province
Locking Commands
- /lock, /cprivate - Lock a door/chest
- /lock <player> ... - Lock door/chest to you and specificed players separated by space
- /modify <add|remove> <player> - add/remove player to access list of a protected door/chest
- /cdonation - set chest to donation mode
- /cpassword <password> - Password lock a door/chest
- /cunlock <password< - Unlocks door/chest locked with password
- /unlock - unlocks locked door/chest
- /cpublic - protect chest/door while allowing public access
Nation Commands
- /nations, /nation, /n
- /n help - displays a help menu
- /n info - displays info on whatever geofeature(s) you're in
- /n listnations - displays list of all nations
- /n scoreboard <timespan> - displays scoreboard based on nation activity within the given timespan
- /n nation, /n n
- /n n banish <nation> <character> - banishes a character from a nation (requires Banish permission)
- /n n deny <nation> - denies an inventation to a nation (requires Invite permission)
- /n n housing
- /n n housing defaultrentprice [new-price] - views or sets the nation's default rent price per block (requires Finance permission)
- /n n housing defaultbuymultiplier [new-multiplier] - views or sets the nation's default rent:buy ratio (requires Finance permission)
- /n n housing limitpercapita [new-limit] - views or sets the nation's properties limit per citizen (requires Properties permission)
- /n n info <nation> - shows info on a nation
- /n n invite <nation> <character> - invites a character to join a nation (requires Invite permission)
- /n n invites <nation> - lists outstanding invites to a nation (requires citizenship of nation)
- /n n join <nation> - joins a nation by accepting an invitation
- /n n leave <nation> - leaves a nation
- /n n listnodes <nation> - lists a nation's nodes
- /n n listprovinces <nation> - lists a nation's provinces
- /n n listsettlements <nation> - lists a nation's settlements
- /n n revoke <nation> <character> - revokes an existing invitation to a nation (requires Invite permission)
- /n n setbanner <nation> <banner-id> - sets a nation's banner with a valid banner ID (requires Settings permission)
- /n n setcapital <nation> <settlement> - sets a nation's capital settlement (requires Settings permission)
- /n n treasury - manages the treasury (requires Finance permission)
- /n n t locate <nation> - locates the nation's treasury
- /n n t bal <nation> - checks the treasury's balance
- /n n t d <nation> <amount> - deposits money from your character's balance into the treasury
- /n n t w <nation> <amount> - withdraws money from the treasury into your character's balance
- /n n xp <nation> - manages a nation's xp (must be leader of nation)
Province Commands
- /n province, /n p
- /n p info <province> - shows info on a province
- /n p cede <province> <nation> - cedes a province to another nation (requires Manage Provinces permission)
- /n p defaultrentprice <province> [new-price] - views or sets a province's default rent price (requires Finance permission)
- /n p secede <province> - declares a province's independence from its parent nation (requires province leader role)
- /n p setbanner <province> <banner-id> - sets a province's banner (requires Settings permission)
Settlement commands
- /n settlement, /n s
- /n s banish <settlement> <character> - banishes someone from a settlement (requires Banish permission)
- /n s deny <settlement> - denies an invitation to a settlement
- /n s info <settlement> - shows info on a settlement
- /n s invite <settlement> <character> - invites someone to a settlement (requires Invite permission)
- /n s invites <settlement> - shows outstanding invitations to a settlement (requires Invite permission)
- /n s join <settlement> - joins a settlement as long as you have been invited to it
- /n s leave <settlement> - leaves a settlement
- /n s revoke <settlement> <character> - revokes someone's invitation to a settlement
- /n s setbanner <settlement> <banner-id> - sets a settlement's banner (requires Settings permission)
- /n s setprimary <settlement> - sets your primary settlement
- /n s whitelist
- /n s whitelist add <settlement> <character> - adds a character to a settlement's whitelist (requires Whitelist permission)
- /n s whitelist list <settlement> - lists characters in a settlement's whitelist (requires citizenship of settlement's nation)
- /n s whitelist remove <settlement> <character> - removes a character from a settlement's whitelist (requires Whitelist permission)
Node Commands
- /n node
- /n node locate <node> - displays the coordinates for a node
- /n node materials list <node> - lists the materials offered by a node
- /n node search <material> - lists nodes containing the given material
Rank Commands
Nations, Provinces, and Settlements all have individual ranking systems, controlled by their own set of subcommands. In this section, "/*" will be used as a placeholder for /n n, /n p, and /n s for nation, province, and settlement respectively as well as <*> for the name of the nation, province, and settlement respectively.
- /* rank, /* r
- /* r create <*> <name> <priority> - creates a new rank with name and priority (Priority ranges from 2-99 for nations, 2-79 for provinces, and 2-59 for settlements)
- /* delete <*> <name> - deletes the rank from <*>
- /* r list <*> - lists ranks in <*>
- /* r permissions <*> <rank> - opens a menu to edit a rank's permission in <*>
- /* r priority <*> <rank> <priority> - sets a rank's priority, or displays the current priority if <priority> is omitted
- /* r rename <*> <rank> <newname> - renames a rank
- /* r set <*> <character> - opens a menu to set a character's ranks
War Commands
- /battle
- /battle join - joins a battle's queue if you're standing in the battlefield
- /battle leave - leaves a battle