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RPC Unlockable Abilities

What are they?

"RPC Unlocks" are abilities unavailable on creation, including flight, combustion, seismic sense and more. These abilities can be attained through active roleplay and community interaction whilst fulfilling a list of requirements set forth by the Roleplay Council

Unlocks by Element

- Flight
- Suffocation
- Day Bloodbending
- Seismic Sense
- Combustionbending
- Blue Firebending
- Rainbow Fire
- White Fire
- Cosmetic Fire
- Dragons
- Suffixes

The Use of A.I.

Passing off the work of A.I. as your own for an unlock is strictly prohibited, and unfair to those who dedicated time to their characters. Doing so will result in a permanent ban from all RPC related unlockables.
We understand that not all players will speak English as a first language, or even be proficient with spelling and grammar, in which case we do permit A.I. for use as a translator or to fix grammar mistakes.


In such cases, a copy of the original work pre-A.I. must be given alongside the revised journals. If you do not, then you will be denied, even if the work you have done is legitimate.

Basic Requirements

There are a handful of basic requirements that apply to all unlocks besides basic subelements to show that you are a capable roleplayer and can be trusted with the abilities given, as they can be disporportionately powerful.

In general, the Roleplay Council is looking for these qualities in prospective applicants:

- In-roleplay presence
- In-game activity
- Fitting character personality
- Adept roleplayer
- Bending proficiency
- Has an understanding of Avatarverse and its roleplay
- Character has existed for sufficient time
- Good character bio
- Journaling

Basic Subelements

The guidelines will appear here.


Flight Criteria:

- Not having major earthly attachments such as important material possessions or relationships
- Demonstrated selflessness and/or asceticism
- Having a clear goal related to the higher world
- Having trained for it a good amount of time, evidenced through several journals

Suffocation Criteria:

- Indepth knowledge of the physical side of airbending
- Includes knowledge of physics and how airbending interacts with your environment
- Disregard for the sanctity of life or the ability to disregard life under certain circumstances
- An ideological shift, whether subtle or obvious
- Evidence of some mental instability
- Just evidence that your character isn't *fully* sane. It doesn't have to be a full mental breakdown.


Dayblood Criteria:

- Controlling/domineering personality
- Cold-heartedness
- Having trained for it a good amount of time, evidenced through several journals


Seismic Sense Criteria:

- Mastery of neutral jing, as evidenced through character actions and personality
- Demonstrate a mastery over the philosophies of the earth and/or light chakras.
- “Unblocking" these chakras is unnecessary.
- Train for the skill for a good amount of time while in direct contact with the earth


Combustion Criteria:

- A severe loss to mental stability or the physical body
- Self-serving attitude and lack of respect for humanity
- A sudden near-death experience
- Culminating in a forehead scar on your minecraft skin as a result of the manifestation of combustion.

Blue Firebending Criteria:

- Cold-heartedness
- Perfectionism, ambition, goal-oriented personality
- Having trained for it a good amount of time, evidenced through several journals

White Fire Criteria:

- Master Firebender
- Must be physically capable of being described as such, not just IRP
- A strong code of honour/law
- Think the "lawful" category of a DnD alignment
- Compulsive Pragmatism
- Emotional Intensity
- A deep understanding of fire philosophy & the duality of fire.

Rainbow Fire Criteria:

- Understand the deeper philosophy behind Firebending that is most notably and commonly observed by the Sun Warriors and have this represented through a handful of journals.
- Know the Dragon Dance created by DarTheCzar
- Pass assessment of your character's... character.

- Subsequent survival of judgement by a dragon

• To undergo Dragon Judgment, a player must open an RPC ticket using the "RPC Unlock" category in the #support channel’s dropdown menu.
• Once the ticket is opened, the RPC will assess the character’s likelihood for surviving judgment and coming out enlightened based on their
in-game actions, character bio, and any relevant journals.
• There is no strict format for presenting this information, but it must be readily accessible to the RPC for review. This can include in-game
roleplay logs, written journals, or other documented evidence demonstrating the character’s no peeking naughty naughty

There are a number of hidden criteria you will be judged against which will affect your pass/failure rate. These figures will not be shared or explained.

Cosmetic Firebending Criteria:

The criteria will appear here.


Dragon Criteria

- Must be a Fire Bender
- Notable or Significant Figure/Promising Future
- A deep connection with and understanding of the spiritual side of firebending
- Be knowledgeable of the Dragon species and recognize them as the spiritual entities they are
- Know the Dragon Dance developed by DarTheCzar
- Have a personality or arc aligned with the personality of an unbound dragon

Suffix Criteria

To be considered influential, you must qualify for one of the following:
- Significant influence/notoriety across multiple nations
- Perform significantly well for your nation as a nation leader
- Have a significant character plot to the history of AV

*Qualifying for one of these is not a guarantee you will be accepted. RPC will have additional criteria which will not be shared.*

- For every 2 people with your surname, you must have 1 person who qualifies for the criteria above, (e.g. 1 notable person for 1-2 people, 2 people for 3-4 people etc)
- Active players are considered under the 1:1 ratio. This means if there is an active player who does not play the family character, they are still counted.