The Nations
The Air Nomads
The Air Nomads are a peaceful and spiritual people known for their mastery of airbending. They live in remote temples located high in the mountains in the four corners of the world. The Air Nomads are deeply connected to nature and follow a monastic lifestyle, emphasizing detachment from wordly possessions and a commitment to spiritual growth.
The Air Nomads value freedom, compassion, and harmony with the natural world, and they often travel the world to spread their teachings.

The Water Tribe
The Water Tribe is divided into two main groups: The Northern Water Tribe and the Southern Water Tribe. The Northern and Southern Water Tribes are located at the poles, and their culture is heavily influenced by their harsh, icy environments. They are known for their close-knit communities, resourcefulness, and adaptibility. Waterbending is a significant aspect of their culture.
The Water Tribe places a high value on family, tradition, and harmony with the environment.
The Earth Kingdom
The Earth Kingdom is the largest and most diverse of the nations, encompassing a vast territory with a wide range of landscapes, from sprawling cities to rural villages. Its people are known for their resilience, practicality, and strong sense of duty. Earthbending, is a common skill among its inhabitants. The people of the Earth Kingdom are deeply connected to their land and have a strong agricultural tradition.
The Earth Kingdom values strength, stability, and endurance, both physically and culturally.
The Fire Nation
The Fire Nation is an industrial and militaristic society known for its advanced technology and powerful firebenders. The Fire Nation's people are passionate and driven, with a strong sense of national pride. Firebending is a respected and feared skill. The Fire Nation's aggressive expansion and pursuit of power have often put it at odds with the other nations. Despite its militaristic image, the Fire Nation also has a rich cultural heritage, including art, music, and philosophy.
The Fire Nation values honor, discipline, and ambition.
United Republic of Nations
The United Republic, with Republic City at its center, is a diverse and vibrant territory founded by Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko after the Hundred Year War. It stands as a beacon of peace and unity, where people from all nations can live and work together harmoniously. The nation's architecture blends styles from all four nations, reflecting its multicultural population. The United Republic is renowned for its advanced technology, pro-bending sport, and the Metalbending Police Force.
The United Republic Nation values resilience, innovation, and community.

The Foggy Swamp Tribe
The Foggy Swamp Tribe is a small, isolated community living in the Foggy Swamp in the Earth Kingdom. They have a unique culture and lifestyle adapted to the swampy environment. The Swamp's people are waterbenders who have developed a distinct bending style that incorporates the use of vines and plant life. They live in harmony with the swamp and believe in the interconnectedness of all living things. Their way of life is often misunderstood by outsiders, but they possess a profound wisdom and connection to the natural world.
The Foggy Swamp Tribe values simplicity, resourcefulness, and a deep respect for nature.

The Sand Tribes
The Sand Tribes are a collection of sandbending tribes who reside in the vast Si Wong desert and have mastered earthbending to manipulate the desert sands for travel and survival.
The Sand Tribes value wisdom, respect for nature, and the preservation of ancient knowledge. Resilient and resourceful, they embody the spirit of survival in the harsh desert environment. They also have a strong oral tradition, passing down stories and knowledge through generations. Despite their isolation, they are known for their hospitality and willingness to assist travelers, and while they prefer peace, they are skilled fighters when necessary, using their bending abilities and desert knowledge.
The Sand Tribes value self-reliance, adaptability, and harmony with nature.

The Sun Warriors
The Sun Warriors are an ancient, hidden civilization that preserves ancient traditions & forms of firebending. They live in a remote and secluded area, guarding their traditions and the secrets of their powerful firebending techniques. The Sun Warriors worship the dragons, who they consider the original firebenders and sacred creatures. Their culture is deeply spiritual, emphasizing balance, harmony, and the true, life-giving nature of fire.
The Sun Warriors value wisdom, respect for nature, and the preservation of ancient knowledge.

Player-run nations
One of the primary features of Avatarverse is the presence of player-run nation states governing almost all characters. Nations are the backdrop of all roleplay on the server and the building blocks of player-driven politics.
Players are given the freedom to steer national and international politics on their own accord. Therefore, nation leaders can make and unmake laws, punish their citizens justly or unjustly, declare wars, etc. A nation is not guaranteed to always exist. That said, in extraordinary circumstances, the Roleplay Council reserves the right to intervene in situations that are believed to cause excessive or irreversible damage to the roleplay integrity of the server.
Nations organize on their own Discord Servers owned by the nation's leader and passed from one leader to another. These servers vary significantly because the Nation Leaders have full creative freedom but must abide by Avatarverse Rules in these spaces nonetheless.
The Nation System
Avatarverse has a unique system for handling its nation states, somewhat similar to plugins like Factions, Towny, or Kingdoms. Nations are complex objects containing provinces, settlements, resource nodes, citizens, and ranks.
A geofeature is something with a geographical domain, an object or area that takes up space, The nation system has several types of geofeatures, the most fundamental being the chunk.
- Nations
- Provinces
- Settlements
- Nodes
- Chunks
To understand nations, we must first understand chunks. A chunk is a rectangular prism of a width of 16 blocks and a height spanning from Minecraft's minimum to maximum height.
The chunk is the building block of the nation system's geofeatures.
For more information about chunks, check out Minecraft's Wiki .
A settlement is a protected group of chunks within a province. It is a subset of a province and is owned by whichever nation owns the province. Only members of a settlement's parent nation can build/destroy in the settlement, unless they are placed on that settlement's whitelist.
Settlements are also places where most players can live without fear of being attacked. Damage is not taken in these areas, except under certain circumstances. See Combat for more information.
Settlements can have their own leaders, if a ranking system is created for them by their owning nation's leadership.
A node is a protected group of chunks within a province that can overlap with settlements and has special properties that differentiate it from settlements. The resources in nodes cannot be removed by a foreigner (someone who isn't a member of the node's owning nation), and the animals in nodes cannot be harmed by foreigners either.
A province is a group of chunks. Provinces are subunits of nations and can have their own leaders.
A nation, at its fundamental level, is a group of provinces. Nations also have a variety of settings that set them apart from other nations, such as a unique name, color, and banner. They also have a set of ranks, at the top of which is the nation leader, and a settlement they count as their capital. Nations have a population of citizens as well.
Resource Nodes
The world of Avatarverse has conventions that differ from those of other Minecraft servers. It is not full of ores and other resources. Because of that, it is instead filled with regenerating nodes dedicated to specific resources, often just referred to as nodes.
A node is usually a small area that contains copious amounts of a specific resource or set of resources, as well as a clickable sign that allows anyone to regenerate the node every once in a while.
These nodes are owned by the nation that claimed territory where the node is located and forbids resource extraction by foreigners. The only way to gain resources located in nodes from other nations is to trade with the people of that nation. Because of that, resource nodes have largely become political tools for nation leaders in trade deals and other ways.
Attempting to collect resources from anywhere else than resource nodes without permission from the the Nation Leader of that area or Staff Team is considered griefing, and:
Griefing is a bannable offenseNation Ranks
Each nation has a rank system that is completely customizable according to the nation leader's needs. Each rank has a numerical priority from 1 to 100, with 1 denoting the lowest priority, a regular citizen, and 100 denoting the highest priority, the nation leader.
Ranks are displayed in front of a character's name in all chat channels and contain a set of nation permissions. The rank can either possess or lack access to a certain nation permission, allowing or prohibiting a certain nation action or command.
Nation permissions
Ability to build in settlements and nodes
Ability to edit nation settings
Manage Provinces
Ability to manage provinces within the nation
Edit Ranks
Ability to edit rank settings
Manage Ranks
Ability to change the ranks of those lower than them
Ability to banish people
Ability to send and revoke invites
Ability to police the nation with /forcecombat
Ability to manage the state treasury
Ability to whitelist others in settlements
Protections Override
Ability to override locked containers and doors
Ability to manage housing
For a list of Nations Commands, please check out the Commands Page.