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Documentation and insights

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What is a character?

Here, your journey begins by creating a unique character that fits within the lore of the Avatar world and Avatarverse. Characters are more than just avatars (*wink*); they are personalities with unique traits, abilities, and stories that you create and evolve through interaction and exploration. Your character's journey will be shaped by your choices, alliances, and the challenges you face.

Creating your character

To create a character, do /create and a menu to help you setup the character will open. You will need to fill out every section before pressing the egg titled "Finalize". The lore (subtext) of that egg will show you any field you're missing

Image of the menu in-game for character creation
Example of the character creation menu with unfilled finalized information.

You only have access to 1 character slot but can unlock more with Ranks. Visit the Store Page for more information

Rolling for Sub-elements

When you create a character, you are randomly assigned subelements (or affinities), such as healing or metalbending, based on the element you've chosen.

Subelements have unequal chances of assignment:


Assignment chance





















Spiritual affinity




Some subelements and unique skills -- blue fire, flight, daytime bloodbending, and combustion -- can be unlocked only after completing a successful application to the Roleplay Council for these skills.

In general, the Roleplay Council is looking for these qualities in prospective applicants (keep in mind that these are not strict rules but general guidelines and the most important part is demonstrating your care for quality roleplay):

  • In-roleplay presence
  • In-game activity
  • Fitting character personality
  • Adept roleplayer
  • Bending proficiency
  • Has an understanding of Avatarverse and its roleplay
  • Character has existed for sufficient time
  • Good character bio
  • Journaling (training for the subelement + character development)

The blue fire special skill has these additional criteria:

  • Cold-heartedness
  • Perfectionism, ambition, goal-oriented personality
  • Having trained for it a good amount of time, evidenced through several journals

The flight subelement has these additional criteria:

  • Not having major earthly attachments such as important material possessions or relationships
  • Demonstrated selflessness and/or asceticism
  • Having a clear goal related to the higher world
  • Having trained for it a good amount of time, evidenced through several journals

The day bloodbending skill has these additional criteria:

  • Controlling/domineering personality
  • Cold-heartedness
  • Having trained for it a good amount of time, evidenced through several journals

The combustion skill has these additional criteria:

  • An extreme mental or physical loss
  • A sudden near-death experience
  • Self-serving attitude and lack of respect for humanity
  • Culminating in a forehead scar on your Minecraft skin

Lastly, rainbow fire can only be unlocked by roleplaying the Dancing Dragon with a living dragon.

Sub-element Rerolls

You may find that you don't like the subelements your character has been given. The good news is that new characters have 1 free reroll, with which they can try again for different subelements by using /reroll.

And to see how many rerolls you have left, use /rerolls. Once you run out of these, if you want to reroll you will have to purchase a $2 reroll perk or the $20 Patron rank for infinite rerolls forever.

Character Death

A character's death means losing the ability to play as that character forever.


Your character can be executed using an item called the Executioner's Axe. This is in special circumstances at the discretion of the Roleplay Council.

Slain in Battle

Your character can be slain in battle. If you get knocked out in battle, someone will have 60 seconds to punch your body and choose to land the final blow (deleting your character) or spare you.

Once 30 seconds of that time are up, you will be free to leave the battlefield with /battle leave or quit the game.

If you log off before those 30 seconds are done, your character will be killed automatically.

You can read more about battles in Rules of War.

Duel to the Death

Duels to the Death (DttDs) are a special type of duel. When you get knocked out in a DttD, the winner of the duel will have the option to land the final blow or spare you. Read more about DttDs in Combat & Jailing.

Deleting your character

To delete your character, do /delete. A menu will pop up with the option to permanently delete your character or cancel the process.

This decision cannot be reversed!

Additionally, there is a 30-day cooldown to deleting your character.

Once deleted, your character is considered to have died for some in-roleplay reason (accident, illness, etc...).

Image of the menu in-game for character deletion
Example of the character deletion menu with non-reversible warning.