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Documentation and insights

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Avatarverse has custom mobs with unique appearances and abilities that can either be found in the wild or purchased. Many of these can become pets that follow you around, can be ridden across great distances, or fulfill some other purpose. They can be spawned and despawned at will, protecting them from being stolen or killed.

Mob Menu

The mob menu is the central place to manage your mobs and can be accessed with /mob or /mobs or through the character menu /char.

Any mobs you purchase for your character will appear towards the bottom of the menu.

When initially purchased, your mob will be placed as an egg in your mob menu with can then be hatched and given a name and gender. Sponsors get 2 hatches for every mob they purchase.

Selecting a hatched mob in the menu will open a submenu that allows you to spawn the mob, change its name or gender, or transfer it to another character.

Health & Energy

Every mob has a certain amount of health. If the health reaches zero, the mob is forcibly dismissed, and you will have to spawn it again later for it to heal naturally. The speed of natural regeneration is proportionate to the mob's energy level, which gradually depletes after performing certain actions or just existing. If your mob's energy level reaches 0, it will also despawn, and you will need to deploy it again and feed it for its energy level to recover.

To feed a mob, shift and right-click on it with food in your hand. It will either dislike, like, or love the food you fed it. This is important for taming wild mobs and will be important for a future aspect of mobs called 'alignment' but otherwise matters little. If your mob eats the food, it will gain energy from it.

Commanding your mobs

All mobs can be commanded to perform certain actions through 2 ways:

  • Speaking its name + the command in chat
  • Using the command /mob command <mob> <command> - helpful to command your mob silently.


Taming a mob requires going up to it and feeding it foods it likes or loves. Feeding it loved foods will maximize your chance of taming the mob. To feed, shift and right-click the mob with the food in your hand repeatedly until you are prompted to name the mob. Type the name in chat and it will be bonded with you. This guide will not specify which foods each mob loves; instead, that information will be experimented with and documented in books in game.


Some mobs can be mounted by one or more players. The mob's owner is the only one who can drive (steer) it. To mount your mob, right-click on it. If the mob has room for other passengers, a friend can also right-click the mob and it will send a "ride request" to the owner. The owner can then accept the request with the mob command accept or mount (see below for specific syntax). Then the friend will mount the mob as a passenger.

Current Mobs

The Avatar world is full of entertaining creatures, many of which we plan to add, but right now we are limited to the following:

Tameable, not buyable
  • Sky Bison
  • Polar Bear Dog
  • Winged Lemur
  • Ostrich Horse
  • Dragon
Tameable and buyable
  • Hippo Cow
Buyable, not tameable
  • Eel Hound
  • Fire Ferret
  • Flying Dolphin
  • Bear
  • Cat Deer
Buyable with Lotus Coins
  • Rainbow Bird

Sky Bison

Sky Bison in the Server

The Sky Bison is a large flying bison native to the Air Nation. They occasionally spawn outside of the four cardinal Air Temples. They have 30 hearts of health and can be mounted, carrying up to 5 people at a time. They are the fastest flying mob and are great for traveling across long distances. They can be tamed only by Air Nation characters who have earned one of the middle ranks (Scribe, Abbot, Guardian, Architect, Diplomat, or Sand Keeper) or higher.






go, goodbye, bye, dismissed

Dismisses/despawns mob



Allows a ride requester to mount the mob

[no arg] - allows whoever requested, if there is only one
[character] - allows specified character to mount if there is more than one request



Dismounts riders(s)

[no arg] - ejects all riders, including owner/driver
[others] - ejects everyone but you
[character] - ejects the specified character

Polar Bear Dog

Polar Bear Dog in the Server

The Polar Bear Dog is a cross between a polar bear and a dog that spawns naturally in the Iqaluit Polar Bear Dog node and the tundra of Arviat province of the Northern Water Tribe and Apaluk province near the South Pole. It has 30 hearts of health and can be mounted by up to 3 people at once while still moving quite quickly across both land and sea.






go, goodbye, bye, dismissed

Dismisses/despawns mob



Allows a ride requester to mount the mob

[no arg] - allows whoever requested, if there is only one
[character] - allows specified character to mount if there is more than one request



Dismounts riders(s)

[no arg] - ejects all riders, including owner/driver
[others] - ejects everyone but you
[character] - ejects the specified character

Winged Lemur

Winged Lemur in Server

The Winged Lemur is an adorable flying mob that spawns naturally in and around the Air Temples. Right now its only function is to follow its owner around, but more features are planned.






go, goodbye, bye, dismissed

Dismisses/despawns mob

Ostrich House

Ostrich Horse in Server

The Ostrich Horse is a replacement of Minecraft's horse. It travels considerably faster and will follow its owner around when not being ridden.






go, goodbye, bye, dismissed

Dismisses/despawns mob


Dragon in Server

The Dragons are massive fire-breathing creatures that descend from either Ran or Shaw and are part of an endangered population. There are only a handful of dragons in the world, and they are mostly inherited as heirlooms in the dragonriding families Dainagon and Raa, or live in the Sun Warrior city of La Bayan under the watchful eye of the Sun Chief. They only take commands in Solandu, the Sun Warrior language.





taelis ("leave")

vīs ("go"), taelaros ("goodbye"), tae ("bye"), plunaqui ("dismissed")

Dismisses/despawns dragon

vasdradīs ("breathe fire")

Makes the dragon begin a Fire Stream

apīs ("stop")

Makes the dragon stop breathing fire

enunīs ("allow")

Allows a rider to request to mount the dragon

[no arg] - allows whoever requested, if there is only one
[character] - allows specified character to mount if there is more than one request

perpatīs ("eject")

Dismounts one or both riders

[no arg] - ejects all riders, including owner/driver
[others] - ejects everyone but you
[character] - ejects the specified character

Hippo Cow

Hippo Cow in Server

The Hippo Cow is a voracious and deceptively ferocious creature that, if tamed, will fight alongside its owner during combat by biting enemies. It can also be mounted, though it moves more slowly than most other mounts. It spawns naturally in plains biomes around the world but is stubborn and not easily tamed. It can also be purchased in the Store.






go, goodbye, bye, dismissed

Dismisses/despawns mob

Eel Hound

Eel Hound in Server

The Eel Hound is a fast and versatile mount that can travel at record speeds across both land and sea. It has 20 hearts and can carry up to 2 riders. It does not spawn naturally and can only be purchased in the Store.






go, goodbye, bye, dismissed

Dismisses/despawns mob



Allows a ride requester to mount the mob

[no arg] - allows whoever requested, if there is only one
[character] - allows specified character to mount if there is more than one request



Dismounts riders(s)

[no arg] - ejects all riders, including owner/driver
[others] - ejects everyone but you
[character] - ejects the specified character

Flying Dolphin Fish

Flying Dolphin Fish in Server

The Flying Dolphin Fish is a quick and fun aquatic mount that can carry up to 2 riders across oceans at high speeds. It also has the ability to glide through the air after jumping out of the water, giving the animal its name. To activate the gliding ability, hold the jump key and left-click while midair. It does not spawn naturally and can only be purchased in the Store.






go, goodbye, bye, dismissed

Dismisses/despawns mob



Allows a ride requester to mount the mob

[no arg] - allows whoever requested, if there is only one
[character] - allows specified character to mount if there is more than one request



Dismounts riders(s)

[no arg] - ejects all riders, including owner/driver
[others] - ejects everyone but you
[character] - ejects the specified character


Bear in Server

The Bear is a loveable and ridable pet that was inspired by Earth King Kuei's pet bear Bosco. The bear is strong and can take up to 2 riders on its back while still reaching good speeds. It does not spawn naturally and can only be purchased in the Store.






go, goodbye, bye, dismissed

Dismisses/despawns mob



Allows a ride requester to mount the mob

[no arg] - allows whoever requested, if there is only one
[character] - allows specified character to mount if there is more than one request



Dismounts riders(s)

[no arg] - ejects all riders, including owner/driver
[others] - ejects everyone but you
[character] - ejects the specified character

Cat Deer

Cat Deer in Server

The Cat Deer is a fast and durable travel companion that seats 2 riders. It has 20 hearts and is faster than the Polar Bear Dog but slightly slower than the Ostrich Horse. The animal companion of the first Avatar, Avatar Wan, was a Cat Deer. It does not spawn naturally and can only be purchased in the Store.






go, goodbye, bye, dismissed

Dismisses/despawns mob



Allows a ride requester to mount the mob

[no arg] - allows whoever requested, if there is only one
[character] - allows specified character to mount if there is more than one request



Dismounts riders(s)

[no arg] - ejects all riders, including owner/driver
[others] - ejects everyone but you
[character] - ejects the specified character

Rainbow Bird

Rainbow Bird in Server

The Rainbow Bird is an adorable mob that follows you around and can shoot colorful fireworks in the sky on command. It was only sold in the Lotus Shop during Pride Month in 2024. It has several variations based on different pride flags.






go, goodbye, bye, dismissed

Dismisses/despawns mob


Shoots colorful fireworks