XP, Leveling, and Skill Trees
Experience (XP) is a numerical value that represents a player's progression in the game. Players can earn XP /xp by performing various activities such as mining, crafting, and fighting mobs. XP is used to level up. Depending on the element, certain levels reward Mastery Points (MPs) /points which can be used to unlock new skills in the skill tree /skilltree. If you play on Bedrock Edition, the menu will not look the same. It's better if you instead take a look at the skill trees below and use the /skill command to unlock skills.
XP Sources
There are many ways to earn XP. Each source has a daily cap of 500 XP. Every day at midnight Pacific time, these caps reset. The sources are listed below:
Only in nodes, mining certain blocks rewards xp proportional to the price of the block's item-drop in admin shops. Read more about Nodes.
Harvesting a crop rewards XP to the character who originally planted it, only if harvested with a right-click with an empty hand. Read more about Farming.
Catching a fish rewards XP to the player who caught it. Read more about Fishing.
Cooking food rewards XP depending on the recipe. Read more about Cooking.
Brewing potions rewards XP depending on the difficulty and quality of the brew. Read more about Brewing.
Taming custom mobs like lemurs rewards XP. Read more about Mobs.
Duels against other characters reward XP, more if you win. Read more about Combat.
Killing mobs in the wild rewards XP, only if you kill them directly with a bending ability. Read more about Mobs.
Participating in a probending match rewards XP, more if you win.
Event Attendance
Attending events rewards XP.
Event Organizing
Organizing events rewards XP depending on the number of attendants.
Speaking in roleplay chat channels and in the #📻・world-radio Discord channel reward XP per minute depending on how much you speak. Writing in the #📕・rp-writings Discord channel rewards XP on a daily basis.
Grand strategy
Nations have a repository of XP that passively increases with the amount of activity in that nation. Nation Leaders can withdraw from this repository to reward XP to themselves or their citizens. Read more about Nations.
Characters can set up shops and earn XP proportionate to their sales. Read more about Shops.
Writing books
Writing a book in roleplay can be rewarded with XP through the RPC. Consult this rubric and create a Book Approval ticket, then post your book's contents.
Building something on the Creative Server and making a Construction Approval ticket following this rubric can get your build pasted in RPG, once you provide the resources, and be a large source of XP.
Voting for the server on all of our vote sites (use /vote in game) will reward XP.
Skill Trees
The following skill trees are subject to change. Please open the images below in a new window to see them in full size.