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General Rules

Avatarverse Universal Rules (AUR)

These rules are applicable in any Avatarverse-related space, including this Discord server, the Minecraft servers, the forum website, and any official Avatarverse nation Discord. These rules cannot be superseded by any nation's rules/laws, or else that nation's leader may be subject to forced removal.

  • No seriously disrespecting, harassing, or bullying players or staff, and no discriminating based on race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, etc.
  • No spamming chat, and no spamming commands.
  • No excessive caps.
  • No evading punishments, such as bans, tempbans, and mutes, through any method, including but not limited to alternate accounts and commands.
  • No advertising anything not related to Avatarverse in public chat. If you would like to advertise something to someone, you may do that in private messages. Sending links without the intention to advertise anything is permitted.
  • No impersonating players or staff.
  • No NSFW (not safe for work) chat or content.
  • No trying to make someone feel uncomfortable, threatened, or triggered.
  • No sharing anyone's personal information without their consent.
  • No offensive or inappropriate usernames.

Discord Server Rules (DSR)

The universal rules still apply; these rules are additional to those and specific to this Discord server.

  • Keep conversations appropriate to the channel purpose.
  • No speaking, roleplaying, or acting in any other way as a character who is deceased or whom you're not currently playing. You may roleplay only as your current in-game character.
  • No holding a nation Discord hostage—if you are a nation leader and are deposed, you must give the Discord to the new leader, or you risk being banned.
  • In #global-politics, every message must have a greeting, a message body, and a salutation. Messages must also be meaningful and important enough for that channel.

Minecraft Server network-wide Rules (MSR)

The universal rules still apply; these rules are additional to those and specific to the Minecraft servers on our network.

  • No using any hacked client, and no attempting to hack the server or any of its players in any way.
  • No griefing any server-owned building or area. Server-owned buildings tend to be public and related to server-wide traffic overall.
  • No abusing glitches or bugs of any sort, and no using duplicators.
  • No intentionally causing lag. This includes but is not limited to lag-inducing redstone contraptions and spamming laggy bending moves.
  • No using alternate Minecraft accounts unless granted permission by an admin.

RPG Server Rules (RSR)

The universal and Minecraft network rules still apply; these rules are additional to those and specific to the Minecraft RPG server.

  • No metagaming or powergaming. Metagaming means your character uses information you have learned out of roleplay but that they do not/cannot know. Powergaming means your character’s roleplay imposes on others and decides their roleplay for them.
  • No griefing unless permitted by the Rules of War.
  • No building structures that aren't consistent with the server theme of Avatar: The Last Airbender post-Hundred Year War. This is primarily East Asian style. If your build is hideous or too far from this theme, it will be removed.
  • No combat logging, and no leaving the game just after being knocked out and/or cuffed.
  • No deleting/recreating your character for any purpose except to return to a living character. This means you cannot recreate a character to change their element, reroll their subelements or attempt to reverse their death. You also cannot create a character who is very similar to a previous character for one of these purposes.
  • An adult and a minor (out-of-roleplay ages) cannot have their characters date/marry in roleplay.
  • No ceding your entire nation (as a nation leader) to another nation during peacetime, even if temporarily, unless there are no capable successor candidates in your own nation.
  • No using a surname that has been claimed in #family-records unless you are part of that family or have permission from them. No ridiculous names for roleplay characters or pets such as silly words or full names from popular characters. Anything that the Roleplay Council determines as ridiculous falls under this rule.
  • No claiming an action you took in game was out of roleplay (such as to avoid in-roleplay consequences), unless all participating parties of that action agree otherwise. Any action taken by your character in game is considered roleplay until agreed otherwise by all participants (e.g. breaking a nation's law, shacking/robbing/attacking someone, etc.).