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Roleplay Timeline

100 AG

  • The Harmony Restoration Movement is launched to remove the Fire Nation colonies from the Earth Kingdom.

101 AG

  • Toph founds the Beifong Metalbending Academy.
  • In response to the Harmony Restoration Movement, Kori Morishita creates the Yu Dao resistance and attempts to assassinate Fire Lord Zuko.
  • A crisis at Yu Dao caused Fire Lord Zuko to remove his support from the Harmony Restoration Movement, threatening to plunge the world into war once again.
  • Avatar Aang averts the war, with the notion that the nations can live together in peace.
  • Aang forms the Air Acolytes out of the Official Avatar Aang Fan Club.

102 AG

  • Zuko, with the help of Team Avatar and his sister, Azula, embarks on a search for Ursa, which leads them to her new life in Hira'a.
  • Yu Dao and other Fire Nation colonies create a joint government of Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom representatives, beginning the progression toward the formation of the United Republic of Nations.
  • The New Ozai Society reassembles in an attempt to overthrow Fire Lord Zuko.
  • Ursa returns to the Fire Nation for the first time since her exile.
  • Children in the Fire Nation Capital are being kidnapped by Kemurikage imposters.
  • Katara and Sokka return to the South Pole after two years.
  • Master Pakku founds a waterbending school in the Southern Water Tribe.
  • A group of Southern Water Tribe nationalists led by Gilak attempt to eradicate all foreign presence in the Southern Water Tribe.
  • Gilak is killed.

103 AG

  • Cranefish Town is established on the western shores of the Earth Kingdom and rapidly grows.
  • Tensions begin to escalate between benders and nonbenders, resulting in Liling's bender supremacist uprising, which is defeated by Team Avatar and the Earthen Fire Refinery's nonbender guards.

Divergence From Canon

104 AG

  • A group of Southern Water Tribe dissidents calling themselves the Warriors of the South that were inspired by Gilak form in opposition to Hakoda, father of Sokka and Katara.
  • Aang attempts to restore airbending via energybending, but he fails to do so. In frustration he spends the next year isolating himself searching for an answer to restore bending to his people.

105 AG

  • Aang journeys to the Spirit World and is guided by Avatar Wan to a spirit named Goj: one of the first spirits to be ushered into existence and the creator of the Lion Turtles.
  • The Earth Kingdom invents steam powered trains from old Fire Nation tanks left behind during the occupation of their colonies in the Earth Kingdom and this technology is used to begin developing the lands surrounding Cranefish Town.

106 AG

  • Aang sacrifices himself to the powerful spirit named Goj in order to restore airbending in exchange for his company for eternity: Goj believing Aang to be the most significant Avatar in history and wishing to keep him as a prize. The world is shocked by the news as the Air Acolytes who have committed themselves to the practice of airbending have gained limited air bending capabilities alongside some previous nonbenders.

108 AG

  • Lacking the backing of Aang, Cranefish Town increasingly becomes worried, however, a man by the name of Porco emerges as a leader to the community and continues to pursue autonomy of the old Fire Nation colonies.

110 AG

  • Porco, after negotiating with Fire Lord Zuko and Earth King Kuei with the help of Bumi's royal guardsmen Quanli, is ceded land for what will be called, “The United Republic of Nations” in a show of precedent for nation self-determination and autonomy in the region.

111 AG

  • The Southern Water Chief Hakoda is killed during a mission to defeat the Warriors of the South and this prompts a mad rush to find a replacement for the Southern Water Chief.
  • Panir, a Southern Water Tribe warrior, takes up the mantle and vows to avenge Hakoda’s death.
  • Bumi, King of Omashu, dies of old age leaving Omashu without a leader.

112 AG

  • Earth King Kuei is assassinated by a faction of anti-monarchy radicals that were subsequently captured and put to death.
  • Earth King Betan is crowned in a time of uncertainty.
  • Omashu has fallen into great anarchy as a powerful lavabender named Huangdi has taken the city and managed to resist the siege of the Earth Kingdom.

113 AG

  • Zuko steps down from the Fire Lord, overcome with grief after seven years.
  • Fire Lord Ichida is crowned and takes the position of the Fire Lord.
  • Huangdi is successfully captured and is put to death, leaving his son, Ghazan, fatherless.
  • Omashu discovers saltpeter in their mountains.

114 AG

  • Following three years of lawlessness, Quanli of Omashu rises through might of power subordinating the lawless citizenry and is crowned King of Omashu promising law and order in the former land of anarchy.
  • After countless years of the other nations arguing over what should be done with the air benders a few of Aang’s closest Air Acolytes take charge and work to restore the air temples, move towards picking Elders from the pool of Air Acolytes, and search for other air benders that were gifted air bending by Goj.

115 AG

  • Panir defeats the last remaining stronghold of the Warriors of the South.
  • The elders of the Air Temples are chosen.
    • Northern: Lau
    • Eastern: Kori
    • Southern: Khandara
    • Western: Yin
  • Kamluk of the Northern Water Tribe becomes the chief of the Northern Water Tribe.

117 AG

  • The world stabilizes and peace seems to be the norm now.
  • The Swamp chooses a new leader in Meriwa.

Server Beginning

118 AG

  • The hermit king of Omashu, Quanli, announces an isolationist foreign policy, excluding all travel into the walled city that is noncommercial.
  • Northern Chief Kamluk liberates the Southern Water Tribe in an effort to preserve peace.
  • After winning an election that ousted the previous chief and gaining recognition from the other world leaders, Yiann becomes the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe.
  • The new Avatar has revealed himself to be a young waterbender named Sate, coming from the Northern Water Tribe.
  • The Earth Kingdom, URN, and Omashu have formed the Iron Pact, a military alliance.
  • King Quanli of Omashu has stepped down to prevent unrest in his Kingdom. His advisor Aran was announced as his replacement.
  • The Earth Kingdom and Omashu have split claims to the Si Wong Desert, resulting in a massive land gain for the Kingdom of Omashu.
  • The Northern Water Tribe, Fire Nation, and the Southern Water Tribe have formed the Steam Alliance, another military alliance.
  • Fire Lord Ichida has resigned after a brief war with the URN and Omashu, as well as learning that most of his military was conspiring against him. They named a replacement, Regent Lord Kaeru, who leads the nation until a new Fire Lord is elected.
  • Southern Chief Yiann steps down and Chief Yungai takes the Chiefdom but gets ousted by a rebel incursion.
  • The Water Tribes reunify under the Northern Chief, Kamluk, due to the instability of the Southern Tribe's government.

119 AG

  • Elder Lau steps down as Elder of the Northern Air Temple and selects Elder Dema Ra as their successor.
  • After beating Sun Chief Yadaran in a game of pai sho, Fire Sage Azutoru becomes the new Sun Chief.
  • Fire Lord Cynder is elected and crowned as the new leader of the Fire Nation, replacing Lord Kaeru.
  • Elder Kori steps down as Elder of the Eastern Air Temple and selects Elder Yume as the new Eastern Elder.
  • Southern Water Tribe Council Member Pakki becomes Head of the South under the leadership of Water Chief Kamluk.
  • Chief Meriwa steps down as Chief of the Foggy Swamp Tribe and selects Chief Balo as her successor.
  • Kaiyo becomes a sovereign nation under the leadership of President Soshu.
  • Construction of Republic City commences under the supervision of Head Architect Mira Feng.
  • Sun Chief Azutoru and Water Chief Kamluk become betrothed.
  • Declaring President Porco and Vice President Illterish unfit to lead, The United Republic council appoint Chairman Zorrun as interim President and Grand Justice Jiyu Han'ei as interim Vice President.
  • President Porco returns and appoints Chairman Zorrun as the new Vice President.
  • Elder Khandara steps down as Southern Elder.

120 AG

  • Earth King Betan hands over control of the Earth Kingdom to the United Republic of Nations.
  • Omashu Monarch Aran dissolves the Nation of Omashu and hands control over to the United Republic.
  • President Porco reinstates the Earth Kingdom under the leadership of Earth Monarch Amomi.
  • The United Republic and Earth Kingdom start a joint collaboration project named Han'ei Highways to further connect the continent.
  • President Porco threatens the government of the Water Tribe and Water Chief Kamluk and places troops in the Northern Water Tribe. Facing criticism from other nations and within his council, Porco pulls his troops out of the region.
  • Earth Monarch Amomi pulls out of all alliances, dissolving the Iron Pact.
  • Fire Lord Cynder steps down as Fire Lord and Grand Sage Konzu is crowned as the new Fire Lord after being recognized as Cynder's chosen successor.
  • The Lahar Alliance is created between the Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom and Sun Warriors.
  • Elder Kori becomes Southern Elder.
  • The Foggy Swamp Tribe and the Water Tribe become Sister Tribes.
  • The United Republic council inquires in an impeachment trial against President Porco, which never occurred. Porco fires Vice President Zorrun and unconstitutionally appoints First Lady Delia as President.
  • The United Republic council appoints Vice President Zorrun as interim President.
  • After a long battle, President Delia steps down and President Zorrun is declared legitimate President of the United Republic.
  • The Water Tribe purchases an island from the Southern Air Temple to establish a new society in accordance with environmental regulations.
  • Sun Chief Azutoru and Water Chief Kamluk get married, forming a personal union between their two nations.
  • Water Chief Kamluk appoints Councilman Loffae as the new Head of the North.
  • A new alliance forms between the Fire Nation, Kaiyo, and the URN: The Chulin Alliance.

121 AG

  • Western Elder Yin steps down and appoints Western Elder Aria as his replacement.
  • During his first projection into the Spirit World, Avatar Sate is separated from his spiritual mentors and dragged into the Fog of Lost Souls by a vengeful spirit. Although he is able to escape with Raava's help, he wanders into another dangerous area and yells for help, enraging a colony of giant arachnid spirits, who tear him limb from limb. Days later, his mentors are able to confirm from spirits that the Avatar is dead, and they return to the material world to lay Sate's physical body to rest.
  • Fire Lord Konzu marries the Eclipse Sage and Stellar Apostle Nerites Feng.
  • Swamp Chief Balo steps down and appoints Swamp Chief Tuwii as their replacement.
  • The Glacier Spirits Festival takes place in Anana Tun'ila.
  • Interim President Zorrun wins a very close election against Councilwoman Mira Feng and begins his new term as President of the United Republic, with Mira as his Vice President.
  • President Zorrun leads an attack on the Water Tribe palace in Agna Qel'a, injuring members of the Water Tribe royal family.
  • A world leader summit takes place at the Water Tribe palace to settle differences between the URN and Water Tribe to no avail.
  • Omashu, led by Mayor Harry, leaves the URN and re-joins the Earth Kingdom after Earth Monarch Amomi's approval. The URN leadership decides to put Harry on trial for treason.
  • After a Water Tribe battalion attempts to flood Republic City, President Zorrun declares war on the Water Tribe. The Water Tribe is joined by the Sun Warriors, the Swamp, and the Earth Kingdom. The URN is joined by Kaiyo and the Fire Nation.
  • Water Chief Kamluk grants the independence of the Southern Water Tribe, led by Southern Chieftess Kya, and the two tribes remain sister tribes.
  • Fire Lord Konzu falls ill and abdicates in favor of a previous Fire Lord, Ichida, formerly the Chief Financial Officer.
  • During a factory inspection in Republic City, the entire URN leadership and body of military officials died as a result of a large explosion. World leaders convene to discuss what should happen to the United Republic.
  • Davii becomes the new Southern Elder. Aaron becomes the new Northern Elder. Shu becomes the new Eastern Elder.
  • Fire Lord Ichida assumes control of the anarchic United Republic and absorbs Kaiyo, forming the United Fire Nation and becoming the United Fire Lord. Ichida marries Fire Queen Amiko and appoints Soshu, formerly the President of Kaiyo, as his Prime Minister.
  • United Fire Lord Ichida officially returns the Si Wong Desert region, including Omashu, to the Earth Kingdom.

122 AG

  • United Fire Lord Ichida decrees that he and his wife, Fire Queen Amiko, are now joint rulers.
  • Southern Elder Davii embarks on a spiritual journey to regain her connection to the spirits, appointing Yume as a temporary replacement.
  • The United Fire Nation establishes Air Temple Island as a province, naming it Aeras Province and installing Southern Regent Elder Yume as its elder.
  • United Fire Lord Ichida gives Earth Monarch Amomi an ultimatum: give them Omashu or they will take it by force, intending to revitalize the forlorn city. After global backlash, Ichida retracts his ultimatum.
  • The Air Nation and the United Fire Nation sign the Aeras Treaty, partnering to essentially share ownership of Air Temple Island.
  • Earth Monarch Amomi hosts a royal masquerade ball in the Ba Sing Se Palace.

123 AG

  • Northern Water Chief Kamluk steps down from his position as chief in favor of Eclipse Sage Nerites Feng.
  • United Fire Lord Ichida announces his intention to dissolve the unification of the United Fire Nation with the signing of the Garda Treaty and grant independence back to the United Republic.
  • After electing President Swilon Feng and Vice President Estic Watanabe, the United Republic of Nations is granted independence and begins forming its government.
  • After learning of Earth Prince Sen Enren's attempted usurpation of his own adoptive parent's throne, Fire Lord Ichida exposes and denounces Sen. The incident results in Sen reconciling with Earth Monarch Amomi.
  • Northern Chieftain Nerites Feng finds evidence of Vice President Estic Watanabe breaking into the Spirit Oasis and denounces him, followed by a series of other leaders denouncing Estic's actions, but ultimately no real action is taken.
  • The Fire Nation joins the Lahar Alliance.
  • Northern Chieftain Nerites Feng hears of the URN General Porco's boasting about being able to beat any other nation's military and calls for a denouncement. An impeachment trial is invoked and as a result, General Porco is demoted and stripped of all military and political honours.
  • Ex United Forces General Porco tries to invoke an impeachment trial for the removal of President Swilon, but nothing has come of it as of yet.
  • Vice President Estic is banished from the Northern Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom after a series of transgressions against those two nations.
  • Sun Chief Azutoru steps down as Sun Chief temporarily to explore the world and find inner peace; he appoints Consular Apostle Pakki as the new Sun Chief.

124 AG

  • Northern Chieftain Nerites announces the adoption of Eclipse Sage Zia, now Princess Zia.
  • The Earth Kingdom Royal Family hosts a festival in Karnaka to celebrate their entry into the Lahar Alliance.
  • Sun Chief Pakki, with the guidance of the native Sun Warriors, discovers his ability to firebend.
  • Northern Chieftain Nerites decrees that they and their husband, Kutuq Feng, are now joint rulers of the Northern Water Tribe.
  • Fire Lord Ichida announces that three months prior, his daughter Lilith was killed by insurgents. Later, Lord Konzu takes the responsibility of having killed her, and promises to convince the spirits to destroy the material world.
  • The Elders of the Air Nation appoints Elder Jorst as the new Elder of the Western Air Temple, replacing Western Elder Aria.
  • At a Northern Water Tribe gala, Princess Zia and Princess Cecelia of the Fire Nation wed.

125 AG

  • An illegitimate son of the former Fire Lord Konzu, Kade Izaka, vows to eliminate all monarchs and royals due to the trauma he suffered growing up as a royal bastard.
  • The United Republic researches steam-powered machines and invents steam ships and diesel cars. Road maps are designed along with mass urban plan designs.
  • The Earth Kingdom announces the Avatar Search Decree in an effort to locate the new Avatar.
  • The Earth Kingdom announces the disappearance of two sons of the royal family.
  • Kade Izaka announces that he has kidnapped Sen Enren, the Earth Prince, and after being globally denounced and admonished, he has the prince killed and his body left outside of the Ba Sing Se Royal Palace with a cake.
  • Northern Chieftain Nerites Feng sacrifices their life to the moon spirit to give their husband Kutuq Feng the gift of waterbending. Kutuq becomes the sole Northern Chief.
  • Sun Chief Pakki resigns in favor of Azutoru Dainagon in order to live a simple life.
  • Estic Watanabe resigns from his Vice Presidency due to his past actions threatening to backfire, and President Swilon's search for a right hand commences.
  • Fire Queen Amiko indefinitely transfers her royal duties to her daughter, Fire Princess Cecelia, who begins to handle the majority of the everyday affairs.
  • Azutoru's second coronation as Sun Chief is interrupted by his dragon Ranira hatching a baby, a rare occurrence since the near extinction of the dragons in the 1st century AG. Azutoru names the hatchling Thystyra.

126 AG

  • Having researched the United Republic’s methods of machinery, the Northern Water Tribe invents machines that contain cold inside of them no matter the external weather called “Glacier Boxes”.
  • As the descendants of Ran and Shaw continue to hatch more dragon offspring, Sun Chief Azutoru refuses to allow anyone outside of the Dainagon family to ride any of the dragons. He seizes the small district of Ranicova to house the growing dragon population, causing animosity in local Sun Warrior inhabitants and trusted government officials alike.
  • With the disappearance of her children and no luck in the search for the Avatar, Earth Monarch Amomi Enren announces the start of her comonarchy with her husband, General Ryuco Enren.

127 AG

  • Sun Chief Azutoru reluctantly allows his father Soichiro to ride the dragon Shahantrix, but he loses control, and Shahantrix flies all the way to Shuhon Island in the Fire Nation, where she and Soichiro are captured by poachers. As Azutoru searches the Fire Nation for his father and the wayward dragon, he learns of a dragon sighting on Shuhon, and the royal retinue is able to free Shahantrix and Soichiro from the poachers.
  • Earth Monarch Amomi announces her plans to reforge the Earth Kingdom’s towns and wildlife in order to rejuvenate the nation’s population and fauna.
  • Fire Nation Royalty announces the disappearance of Fire Prince Harry.

128 AG

  • With the URN beginning to harness electricity, power plants are built and more lightning bending is introduced to the public, along with other technological advancements such as the radio and tram.
  • Earth Monarch Amomi succumbs to severe illness and is subject to bedrest; Earth King Ryuco takes over in her absence, and all construction plans are brought to a halt.
  • After Sun Chief Azutoru renames the Sun Warrior capital city of La Bayan to Aztatl after himself, a small group of disgruntled disciples, led by a native Sun Warrior amanuensis named Cozaima, ambush Azutoru in his palace and demand his abdication. He is able to flee with his family to the royal court in Caldera City while Cozaima and her co-conspirators seize control of the island and begin cleansing the island of foreign influence by deporting all foreign expatriates.
  • With rising criminal activities within URN, the Federal government of URN reinforced the police force by establishing a sub-branch of city patrol force mainly consisting of metal benders.

129 AG

  • Sun Chief Azutoru plots with Fire Lord Ichida to retake his throne. Eventually, Azutoru infiltrates the city through the ancient sewer system with the help of his husband Kamluk and the rest of the Silana clan. Foreigners are invited back to the island, but the name of the capital remains La Bayan, and Azutoru becomes more careful to respect local traditions. Sun Chieftess Cozaima flees the city with Anaxida, the young female dragon she stole and bonded with, and Azutoru’s disciples search most of the major cities of the world to no avail.
  • In addition to lightningbending, the Southern Water Tribe repurposes excess kelp to an eco-friendly alternative fuel.
  • A search is held to find substantial medicine to cure Earth Monarch Amomi’s sickness. After months of search, an herb is found and has helped heal her from illness. Amomi begins to recover from illness.
  • The Fire Nation finds Prince Harry, now a citizen of the Sun Warriors.

130 AG

  • Due to the industrial revolution, the labour work force is slowly replaced by machines, causing civil unrest in the URN led by a group of radicals. The situation is handled by the URN police force; however, the public's concerns are still not addressed.
  • Amomi has recovered from illness once more, and reconstruction of Misty Palms Oasis begins.
  • The Sun Warriors gradually embrace modern technology, instituting a tram system to connect different parts of the sprawling capital city La Bayan, but the traditionalist population expresses discontent over a foreign-born leader imposing outside technology on the historic island.

131 AG

  • Estic Watanabe resigns from his position as Vice President of the URN due to "things in [his] past" he's "not proud of."
  • Fire Lord Ichida announces that his daughter Princess Cecelia will take over the majority of the Fire Nation's governance after Fire Queen Amiko steps back from royal duties.
  • Sun Chief Azutoru adopts a Sun Warrior named Izocoa and names him as his heir.
  • Kade Izaka passes away after extreme guilt over murdering Prince Sen Enren.
  • Northern Water Chief Kutuq Fang demands that the dormant Fire Lord Ichida steps down by force in favor of Princess Cecelia, or else he will invade the Fire Nation.
  • URN President Swilon Feng appoints Vice President Delia.
  • The URN severs diplomatic ties with the Fire Nation, nullifying the Garda Treaty.
  • Southern Chieftess Kya appoints Prime Minister Nightingale.

132 AG

  • After Vice President Delia resigns, Kento Nanami becomes the new VP of the URN.
  • Prince Izocoa Dainagon is imprisoned in Bei Da Feng under debatable charges after Vice President Kento calls him out on the global stage and the Sun Warrior officials defend him.
  • The URN founds the Union of Integrity, an alliance with the Southern Water Tribe and Air Nation.
  • Fire Princess Cecelia announces the murder of her father Fire Lord Ichida and assumes it was the doing of Northern Water Tribe assassins. Cecelia is crowned the new Fire Lord.
  • A coalition consisting of the United Republic, Sun Warriors, Northern Water Tribe, Air Nation, and Fire Nation denounce Earth Monarch Amomi and recognize June Mingxia and Helos Tenshio as the new Earth Monarchs. Amomi later steps down, and the Earth Kingdom changes dynasties.
  • The Northern Water Tribe joins the Union of Integrity.
  • Earth Queen June steps down from her position as Earth Monarch, citing differing visions with Earth King Helos as her reason.

133 AG

  • Earth King Helos dies suddenly, and Northern Chief Kutuq Fang claims the kingdom for himself. He then signs away the islands of Chuje and Mazu to the Sun Warriors and later appoints Shinso Tendario as Earth King. As General Ryuco Enren contests the claim, Shinso gains the recognition of the majority of world leaders and eventually the blessing of Helos's son. Meanwhile, the Dai Li led by Commander Yin take control of Ba Sing Se and appoint June Mingxia as Earth Queen. The situation is then resolved during the Siege of Ba Sing Se as June rejects her claim, the Dai Li turn on Ryuco and kill him alongside Kutuq Fang, and Shinso takes Karnaka (the Enrens' hometown).
  • The Treaty of Chuje is signed between the Earth Kingdom, Sun Warriors, and Northern Water Tribe, creating a military alliance between the three, with open borders and nodes. Additionally, the Earth Kingdom cedes four islands in the eastern Earth Kingdom to the Sun Warriors for their support of Shinso's claim.
  • The Sun Warriors are given three islands by the Western Air Elder Jorst, provided that they built Western Air Temple-style buildings and that all Air Nomads have full permissions there.
  • Earth King Shinso demands the URN's province of Senlin, but President Polly refuses, and the Earth Kingdom declares war.
  • Northern Water Chief Kutuq claims that the Southern Water Tribe has fallen into disrepair, so he decides to intervene. After labored and failed negotiations, the North declares war on the South.
  • President Polly eventually decides that it's best to give the Earth Kingdom Senlin, so the Treaty of Senlin is drafted, ceding the province as well as forming a non-aggression pact between the two countries.
  • Southern Chieftess Kya gives the Southern Water Tribe as a gift to the Sun Warriors after negotiating with Sun Chief Azutoru, but Azutoru ultimately signs away the land to his ally Northern Chief Kutuq, ending the war between the sister polar tribes.

134 AG

  • The United Republic of Nations and Earth Kingdom merge into one nation, the United Empire of Nations (UEN), led by a High Council of three rulers: High Council Polly (formerly President of the URN), High Council Bubble (formerly VP of the URN), and High Council Shinso (formerly Earth King).
  • The United Empire of Nations is coerced into giving the Sun Warriors Republic City, which had been promised to them by Earth King Shinso. The Sun Warriors accept the gift after signing the Treaty of Republic City. They rename the city Repyras.
  • High Council Shinso is imprisoned for life for breaking the merge treaty by promising the Sun Warriors land.
  • The Sun Warriors change their name to the Sun Empire, led by the first Sun Emperor Azutoru Dainagon.
  • Borealis Xiaoven is appointed Elder of the Southern Air Temple.
  • Water Chief Kutuq steps down as Chief and goes to the Spirit World, ushering in Sefina Silana, formerly the Southern Luminary, as the new Water Chief.
  • Sun Emperor Azutoru abdicates in favor of his son Izocoa Dainagon, becoming Emperor Emeritus.
  • Island Elder Lori Adoria, a major figure in the Air Nation, passes away.
  • High Council Bubble is murdered by Toph Beifong's twin children, Destra and Siniestro Beifong, after he refused to appoint them to the Domestic Council of Ba Sing Se.
  • Swamp Chief Tuwii announces his new Regent Chief, Malikkos, from his sickbed.
  • Insular Pontifex Aeleus, a high-ranking official in the Sun Empire, founds the Order of the Dragons and demands that Sun Emperor Izocoa resigns, claiming that he is unfit for rule. After failing to get significant support for his rebellion, Aeleus gives up on the material world and passes away.
  • High Council Polly resigns in favor of Yasu Kenshi, who grants the Earth Kingdom independence, with Siniestro and Destra Beifong as co-monarchs.
  • High Council Yasu Kenshi grants the Earth Kingdom independence and reforms the United Republic of Nations.

135 AG

  • Southern Elder Borealis Xiaoven resigns and is soon replaced by Southern Elder Aurelius Rue via the Council of Elders' election. The new Northern Elder, Bayu Matuu, is also chosen.
  • Sefina Silana resigns as Water Chief and appoints her father Kamluk as chief again.
  • Western Elder Jorst returns from his absence, and his former regent Sasha DeCassian is appointed Elder of Air Temple Island.
  • The Sun Empire returns the province of Garda (containing Republic City and surrounding lands) to the URN in exchange for the peninsula in Kaiyo province.
  • Kamluk Silana rejects the title of Water Chief and names Marji Qipao, an Eclipse Sage, as the new chief.
  • Crato Spora replaces Tuwii as Swamp Chief.
  • Sun Emperor Izocoa Dainagon goes missing, probably intentionally, and the Sun Empire's Insular Pontifex, Zuros Okuno, becomes Sun Emperor after proclaiming that Izocoa named him his successor. Princess Alinova Dainagon, Izocoa's younger sister, proclaims herself the rightful Sun Empress, and Zuros quickly concedes, as he never truly wanted the throne.
  • Sun Empress Alinova returns the rest of Kaiyo to the United Republic.

136 AG

  • After the government of the United Republic, led by President Yasu, attempts to kidnap Earth Queen Destra because of rumors the Earth Kingdom was planning to attack the URN, the Earth Kingdom declares war. The Sun Empire, who had been in an alliance with the URN, remained neutral. Vice President Ginshi proclaims neutrality, and President Yasu asks the rest of the world for aid.
  • The Treaty of Bei Da Feng is signed between the Earth Kingdom and URN after President Yasu Kenshi dies suddenly. The treaty surrenders the URN in its entirety to the Earth Kingdom and names then-President Ginshi as the Zongdu, or governor, of the Chunying province of the Earth Kingdom.
  • A rebellion rises against Water Chief Marji, who resigns in favor of his emissary, Rin Mejin.
  • In Eastern Elder Shu's absence, Reiko Fujin-Tamae becomes Regent Elder and announces the death of Ginshi Yagisen, whose death wish to grant the Earth Kingdom island of Arcoa to Reiko was denied by the Beifongs.
  • The Earth Kingdom and Swamp sign the 136 A.G. Treaty of Omashu, entering them in a military alliance.
  • The Earth Kingdom claims a remote island in the southeast corner of the known world as their own, naming it Yaoyuan.
  • Earth Queen Destra's concubine Akira Fudo is willingly kidnapped by Prince Meztli Dainagon of the Sun Empire in an attempt to escape the Earth Kingdom, and Destra threatens the Sun Empire with war, but the situation is resolved when Meztli is captured and dies in the Crystal Catacombs.
  • Water Chieftess Rin coerces the Air Nation to give them some of the Southern Air Temple's islands under the false pretense that they're the price to pay for the Water Tribe's protection against the impending threat of the Earth Kingdom. Rin gifts some of the islands to the Sun Empire.
  • After naming the Niaquq of Nunatak, Kodi Nuniq, her successor, Water Chieftess Rin challenges Bolrayoq Varrick to a duel to the death and dies. Bolrayoq becomes Water

137 AG

  • The Swamp makes a military pact with the Water Tribe.
  • After winning a duel with Water Chief Bolrayoq, Kodi becomes the sole Chief of the Water Tribe.
  • Swamp Chief Crato claims a remote island in the northwest of the known world and names it Seilkuq, annoying the neighboring Water Tribe, and also makes a military pact with the Sun Empire to the chagrin of the Earth Kingdom.
  • The Sun Empire gifts Seilkuq to Akira Fudo, who uses it to re-found the Fifth Nation, dubbing herself Captain.
  • The Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe announce the Muddy Water Barrier Alliance, a non-aggression pact between their two nations.
  • The Earth Kingdom declares war on the Fifth Nation, informing the world that the previous iteration of the Fifth Nation enslaved and murdered Earth Kingdom citizens. The Earth Kingdom is joined by the Fire Nation and the Swamp, and the Fifth Nation is defended by the Sun Empire and Water Tribe, who breaks their non-aggression pact. During a battle at Seilkuq, Akira falls off her dragon Sixith, which had been given to her by Sun Empress Alinova, and the dragon is taken by Earth Queen Destra. Akira eventually surrenders herself and Seilkuq to the Earth Kingdom and dies in the Crystal Catacombs after trying to escape. Seilkuq, by the Earth Kingdom's decree, remains a nationless haven under the Earth Kingdom's protection.
  • Swamp Chief Crato publicly jokes about assassinating other world leaders and is forced to stand trial in the Water Tribe and is then sentenced to 10 years in a Water Tribe prison. In his absence, Lokum Vynal steps up as the new Swamp Chief.
  • The Earth Kingdom reinstates the Treaty of Omashu, which establishes a military alliance between the Beifong twins and Swamp Chief Lokum. Sun Empress Alinova also reinstates her treaties with the Swamp. After publicly announcing he is unsure whether to resume treaties with the Swamp, Kodi learns that Lokum retracts all treaties with them, ending their tribes' sisterhood.

138 AG

  • Water Chief Kodi adopts two children, Vovri and Irrun, the two newest members of the growing Nuniq family. Meanwhile, Kyoshi Leader Iguro Beifong adopts a son, Dawn.
  • Earth King Siniestro steps down from his kingship, leaving his sister Earth Queen Destra the sole monarch. Days later, Fire Lord Cecelia names her godmother, the former Northern Water Chieftain Nerites Yuka-Fang, regent of the Fire Nation due to her declining health. Shortly afterwards, Cecelia descends into a coma, and Nerites becomes the regent for Cecelia's eldest daughter Laia instead.
  • Island Elder Sasha DeCassian demands that the Air Nation is returned all islands taken from them; including Patajara, Astamanam, Moungga, Narasanhara, and Khet from the Water Tribe; and Bianqui, Apoy, and Chieseret south of the Western Air Temple from the Sun Empire. The Water Tribe acquired the islands after Water Chieftess Rin coerced the Air Nation into giving her the islands, which was later brought to public knowledge. Some of them were traded around, first to the Sun Empire, then to the Foggy Swamp Tribe. The Sun Empire acquired the islands south of the Western Air Temple during the reign of Azutoru under the condition that the Sun Warriors do not enter an unnecessary war, a condition which the Air Nation believes to have been broken. After public arguments about treaties and semantics, no real change seems to occur.
  • Earth Queen Destra issues a public statement to Sun Empress Alinova on behalf of her older brother Emperor Emeritus Izocoa Dainagon, who had gotten lost on a journey and was presumed dead. Izocoa demands that Alinova steps down and becomes Magister (governor) of Hortezuca, or there will be bloodshed. Alinova, beyond tired of public threats against her and her family, takes the offer and names her brother the Sun Emperor. Shortly after becoming Emperor, Izocoa gifts the Chameleon Islands and Azu, an island named after his father, back to the Earth Kingdom, the result of a deal between Destra and Izocoa.

139 AG

  • Sun Emperor Izocoa introduces his biological son, Ixqui Dainagon, to the world.
  • Aurelius Rue is re-appointed Southern Air Elder after a long hiatus, and the Air Nation announces a node-sharing alliance with the Earth Kingdom.
  • The Sun Empire claims a mostly uninhabited island south of the Southern Air Temple called Rakanet, named after a rogue called Rakane.
  • Swamp Chief Lokum Vynal abdicates, citing health issues, in favor of his Council of Elders ruling the Swamp together.
  • Kutuq Aok, a former Water Chief, emerges from her time in the Spirit World as a woman, and begins a chaos organization called the Red Lotus. With the help of her bloodbending, her bloodbending children, and her loyal supporters, she launches a campaign against all world leaders, beginning with assassinating Water Chief Kodi at a festival in his hometown Nunatak, which leaves the Water Tribe in the hands of Kodi's children Yilo and Hikaru Nuniq. The Red Lotus also kills Kento Nanami, a former URN official, and abducts the Water Tribe's Crown Prince Yilo. Sun Emperor Izocoa Dainagon is also killed by a Red Lotus member, leaving the Sun Empire to his son Ixqui. The world is shocked by the news, and people begin living in fear.
  • After a series of murders in the Swamp's Council of Elders, an elder named Tavros appoints himself Swamp Chief and signs away the Swamp to Earth Queen Destra, uniting the eastern continent under the flying boar, the Beifongs. The Swamp becomes a province of the Earth Kingdom, ruled by Gui, the Zongdu of the Swamp, who is swiftly murdered by the rogue Rakane. A former Swamp Elder, Jack, becomes the new Zongdu.
  • Western Elder Jorst abdicates from his position, and the Air Nation's Council of Elders begins to convene to select a replacement.
  • Fire Lord Laia announces the identity of a new Fire Nation avatar, Avatar Daiyi. Meanwhile, the White Lotus re-emerges to address the threat of the Red Lotus.
  • The leader of the Red Lotus, Kutuq Aok, is captured and killed in a Sun Empire prison by Ixqui Dainagon and Avatar Daiyi, allegedly giving her life to allow her son Karlock to escape. As revenge, the new leader of the Red Lotus, Rohaang, kills Water Chief Yilo.
  • A young Water Tribe citizen, Niako, claims ancestry from the Nuniqs in order to gain power after the assassination of Water Chief Yilo and the severe injuries of Water Chieftess Hikaru. Her reign comes to an end, however, when the Nuniqs oust her and replace her with Water Chief Vovri Nuniq.
  • The Red Lotus successfully imprisons Avatar Daiyi and attempts to ransom her for all of the Sun Empire's dragons. The deal does not take place, and instead Sun Emperor Ixqui is slain. Daiyi escapes and sets off for a solo journey, her whereabouts unknown to the White Lotus sworn to protect her. Believing their time has yet to come, the Red Lotus goes back into hiding, waiting for the opportune moment to strike again.
  • The once-again Sun Empress Alinova Dainagon is intimidated into giving the throne to N'Jadaka Raa, a native Sun Warrior, who begins to dismantle the imperial systems in favor of the old tribal chiefdom.
  • A luminary of the Water Tribe named Taaluq Amarok attempts a coup against Water Chief Vovri, citing the negligence of the chief as reasons for why he should be given the chiefdom. After hearing of the coup and its support from the Earth Kingdom and Sun Warriors, Vovri takes his own life. Taaluq ascends to the throne and expresses regret for driving the former chief to suicide, yet still proceeds with his plans for the tribe.

140 AG

  • The Air Nation permits people of all elements to become citizens of their nation, with special requirements.
  • Korene Chyou, the Queen of Omashu (and sister and successor of Kezo Chyou, Queen of Omashu and Domestic Minister of the Earth Kingdom), passes away. She leaves the throne of Omashu to Qiang Gao-gui.
  • Water Chief Taaluq, desiring a respite from his regnal duties, names General Kornak Zolak his regent as he travels the world. Later, he abdicates fully, and Kornak becomes Water Chief.
  • Water Chief Kornak abdicates in favor of his protégé Kenuk Zulom. Shortly after, Earth Queen Destra announces on Kornak's behalf that he is attempting to gain the Southern Water Tribe independence from the north, with him at its helm. The public response is overwhelmingly negative, and the plans fall apart, leaving Kornak with nothing.
  • Water Chief Kenuk claims that Zia Yuka-Fang was a biased judge in the trial against the former Swamp Chief Crato Spora and decides to release the latter from prison.

141 AG

  • A diplomat of the Air Nation, Palkyi Semah Kirimiko, announces to the world that the Air Nation is a "shell of its former self" and demands that the elders step down in his favor so that he can effect change. Though public outcry was great, Island Elder Sasha and Northern Elder Bayu both stepped down, leaving the future of the Air Nation uncertain.
  • The Fire Nation and Water Tribe join together for a node-sharing alliance, called the Smoky Water Alliance, strengthening the bonds between their nations.
  • Kyoshi Leader Iguro Beifong takes his own life after spiraling into depression and madness.
  • Palkyi Semah Kirimiko announces that he is the sole Elder of the Air Nation, has worked to create a democratic system for electing future elders, and plans to enact further changes soon. Former elders Sasha and Bayu both head for Ba Sing Se, where they soon become ministers in Earth Queen Destra's Council of Five.
  • The Earth Kingdom's new Foreign Minister, Sasha DeCassian, announces the dissolution of a node-sharing alliance between the Earth Kingdom and the Air Nation, after Earth Kingdom workers extracted tons of materials from the Air Nation's nodes.
  • Crato Spora, the Zongdu (governor) of the Swamp, declares the independence of the Foggy Swamp Tribe, along with its former overseas provinces Patajara & Moungga, from the Earth Kingdom. He is supported by Water Chief Kenuk and Elder Palkyi Kirimiko, who simultaneously accuse Earth Queen Destra of attempting to incite a war between the Water Tribe and Air Nation over their dispute of the island of Renritsu, which Destra does not deny. Destra then addresses Crato, claiming the Swamp already has plenty of autonomy and requesting a debate, which Crato rejects. Avatar Daiyi then claims Crato should have attempted a diplomatic solution before trying to take the land by force, and the independence movement fizzles out.
  • Earth Queen Destra invites Avatar Daiyi to stay in Ba Sing Se, an offer she accepts.
  • Regent Fire Lord Aka announces that the Smoky Water Alliance has also evolved into a non-aggression pact.
  • Earth Queen Destra conspires with Water Tribe ambassador Spencer Tala to unite the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe. First, Destra and Sun Chief N'Jadaka capture Water Chief Kenuk in the Ba Sing Se Royal Palace and force him to abdicate in favor of Spencer. After Spencer is ushered in as Water Chieftess, Kenuk is murdered, and Destra later claims N'Jadaka killed him without her assent, although N'Jadaka has not confirmed this. Destra then boasts publicly that "this is what happens when you stand against [her]" and proclaims her betrothal to Water Chieftess Spencer Tala, forming a personal union between the two nations called the Earth Empire and styling herself Earth Empress. Destra vows to "respect history" and "promote science" while attempting to debunk claims that she killed Kenuk and is a tyrant. The situation dies down when Earth Empress Spencer is assassinated on her way to Ba Sing Se, Avatar Daiyi steps in to prevent the union of the two nations, and Destra allows her to choose a new Water Chief.
  • Earth Queen Destra officially announces her return to her "Earth Queen" era, relinquishment of claims to the Water Tribe, a more inwardly foreign policy, and a 3-month hiatus during which Grand Secretariat Xaoni becomes Regent of the Realm.
  • Avatar Daiyi ushers in the new (returned) Water Chieftess, Hikaru Nuniq-Dainagon.

142 AG

  • Earth Queen Destra announces her return and resumption of regnal duties while claiming to have become "truly ruthless" and "commit[ted] herself to the betterment of the world."
  • Sun Chief N'Jadaka and Fire Lord Laia sign the Aiding Flame Treaty, placing the Sun Warrior lands under the temporary stewardship of the Fire Nation until N'Jadaka's return to rulership, while additionally ceding the island of Izo to the Fire Nation permanently.
  • As Earth Queen Destra and her council attempt to negotiate the cession of Izo, a territory originally belonging to the Earth Kingdom, from the Fire Nation, they use the fact that rogue Fire Nation citizens have supposedly attacked Earth Kingdom officials as leverage so as to gain the upper hand in the negotiation. Sensing this, Fire Lord Laia initially apologizes for the attacks but decides to cease the negotiation and break the Basalt Alliance.
  • Earth Queen Destra and Water Chieftess Hikaru sign the Treaty of Daoyu, forming the Prismarine Alliance, a military alliance, between the two nations.
  • Earth Queen Destra is assassinated by her Head of Dai Li, Norriq Tong, and a few members of the Earth Kingdom military, including Kyian Ozumo, who later claimed her murder was to prevent a war between the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation. Destra's heir, Raoxing Beifong, claims the Earth Kingdom throne and announces the return of her sister Princess Marie Beifong. Earth Queen Raoxing eventually abdicates in favor of Kyian and Norriq, who claimed the throne with support from Fire Lord Laia. After Sun Chief N'Jadaka (who had the Sun Warrior lands returned to him) has his son N'Lalu assassinate Earth King Norriq, Earth King Kyian announces the Molten Rock alliance between the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation in the hope that he may continue to reign, but after the Sun Warriors declare war on Kyian, he resigns, and power is restored to Earth Queen Raoxing, ending the war.
  • In the Jade Treaty, Kyian Ozumo and Earth Queen Raoxing relinquish the Foggy Swamp Tribe, including the provinces of Patajara & Moungga, to a swamp dweller named Asuna Rae.
  • Fire Lord Laia names a Fire Nation citizen called Supaisu Fukushu as heir, and then dies suddenly.
  • The Aiding Flame Treaty is rendered officially invalid and is replaced by the Twin Flame Treaty, the publicization of a secret military alliance between the Sun Warriors and Fire Nation.

143 AG

  • Fire Lord Supaisu abdicates in favor of Kazo Yuka, grandson of Fire Lord Ichida, and claims to have committed a double suicide with his sister Amai on "Mount Fukushu" in a state of delirium.
  • Fire Lord Kazo announces his accession to the throne and vows to "bring the Fire Nation into an era of grace and diligence."
  • Earth Queen Raoxing hands the throne of the Earth Kingdom to their sister Marie, whom they claim "has the ambition to rule that Destra never fostered in [them]." Raoxing becomes Queen of Omashu instead.
  • Earth Queen Marie and Island Elder Palkyi restore the node alliance between the Earth Kingdom and Air Nation.
  • Fire Lord Kazo abdicates in favor of his apparent biological son Akihito Yuka.
  • At a masquerade event held in Agna Qel'a called the Crystal Ball, Water Chieftess Hikaru announces her journey into the Spirit World and passing the reins of power in the Water Tribe to Zia Yuka-Fang.
  • Island Elder Palkyi announces the United Nations Alliance, or UNA, a global peace organization and military alliance between all nations except the Sun Warriors.
  • Sun Chief N'Jadaka and Fire Lord Akihito sign the Treaty of Hiseki, ceding the Fire Nation province of Hiseki (on Capital Island) to the Sun Warriors, and sharing the nether node there.
  • As Fire Lord Akihito disappears and is presumed dead, his father Inaba, husband of Kazo, proclaims himself Fire Lord Inaba and schedules his coronation.
  • After hearing of the death of his brother Soren in Sun Warrior territory and possibly by the Raas, Island Elder Palkyi abandons the nomad way and murders Solar Apostle T'daka Raa, an event witnessed by the Earth Kingdom's Foreign Minister Qin Xinjiang, who informs Sun Chief N'Jadaka, igniting a war between the Sun Warriors and Air Nation. Island Elder Palkyi is then killed, sacrificing himself to avert the war. His will names Rhaenyr Anaath the new Northern Elder.

144 AG

  • Northern Elder Rhaenyr pronounces Palkyi dead and accepts his duty as elder, urging the world to follow a path of diplomacy and healthy communication.
  • Fire Lord Inaba and Swamp Chief Ko form the Shroomlight Alliance, a node-sharing treaty between their two nations.
  • Water Chief Zia proclaims the chiefdom abolished in favor of a monarchy, and she begins styling herself Queen Zia but later decides to keep the title Water Chief.
  • Sun Chief N'Jadaka calls for a trial of the Water Tribe's Luminary Aruni Taoluk for assaulting him and another Sun Warrior in their own land. Moments later, Luminary Hiroko Taoluk, claims that he witnessed the murder of Water Chief Zia at the hands of his sister Aruni. He then proclaims to be the new Water Chief and banishes Aruni. N'Jadaka calls into question the veracity of this claim, believing Hiroko to have framed Aruni for his murder of Zia. N'Jadaka then pronounces Aruni dead, most likely having killed her himself.
  • Fire Lord Inaba and Water Chief Hiroko form the node-sharing Steampunk Alliance between their nations.
  • Grand Elder Rhaenyr Anaath resigns in favor of Bayu Matuu, believing that he is being called to another purpose. Bayu accepts his duties and later elevates the new Island Elder Dororo and Eastern Elder Shu to the Council of Elders alongside him.
  • Sun Chief Emeritus (former chief) Azutoru Dainagon reemerges into the public eye, claiming that Earth Queen Marie Beifong abdicated in favor of his son Acalan Dainagon, the new Earth King. Azutoru becomes the new Grand Secretariat.
  • Izocoa Dainagon claims to have found Water Chief Hiroko murdered in his bed and then proclaims himself the new Water Chief by virtue of his lineage to previous Water Chiefs Kamluk and Hikaru, but Karrad Silana contests the claim, and Izocoa eventually concedes, becoming Luminary instead, with Karrad as the new Water Chief.
  • By signing the renewed Aiding Flame Treaty, Fire Lord Inaba signs away the entire Fire Nation to Sun Chief N'Jadaka until his mental health recovers or his son Karim comes of age.

145 AG

  • The Air Nation and Water Tribe renew their Sate Alliance as the Blizzard Alliance for node-sharing, as both are already in a military alliance due to their membership in the United Nations Alliance.
  • Water Chief Karrad and Swamp Chief Ko create a new Sister Tribes Pact between the Water Tribe and Foggy Swamp Tribe, uniting most waterbenders under one alliance.
  • Prince Karim of the Fire Nation pronounces himself Fire Lord and declares independence from the Sun Warriors, dissolving the Aiding Flame Treaty.
  • Sun Chief N'Jadaka names his son N'Lalu as Regent during a brief hiatus.

146 AG

  • Grand Secretariat Azutoru Dainagon announces the death of his son, the Earth King Acalan, and ushers back in Earth Queen Marie Beifong, who tells the world the truth of her abdication: that it was violently forced upon her by the Dainagons. When Acalan died, Azutoru apologized to Marie and invited her to return, and Marie forgave him, keeping him as Grand Secretariat.
  • The Sun Warriors and Earth Kingdom form the Brimstone Alliance between them.
  • Sun Chief N'Jadaka goes missing, and his son Prince N'Lalu becomes the new Sun Chief.
  • Fire Lord Karim Yuka abdicates in favor of his Royal Advisor Izel Eluia Dainagon, eldest daughter of Azutoru, claiming he wishes to travel the world. Fire Lord Izel declares the end of the Yuka dynasty and installs House Dainagon on the throne. She proclaims herself "Tealdrax", meaning "the Dragon Queen" in the language of the Sun Warriors. She holds her coronation a few weeks later in the Caldera City Coronation Plaza.

147 AG

  • Grand Architect of the Western Air Temple Puh Nuniq becomes the new Western Elder.
  • The Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom jointly host a public ball in the Fire Nation Royal Palace to celebrate their long-lasting alliance.
  • The Air Nation announces their discovery of the new Avatar, an airbender girl from the Eastern Air Temple named Tharra Namthari. This reveals that Avatar Daiyi, who was missing for many years and was presumed dead, had indeed died. The world is fascinated by the discovery and welcomes the new Avatar.

148 AG

  • Earth Queen Marie hosts a royal ball in Avatar Park in Republic City to celebrate the completion of the first phase of the city's renovation.
  • Swamp Chief Ko receives news that her mother Kya fell ill and thus names Sol Rae her regent while she travels to the Southern Water Tribe to be by her mother's side.
  • Southern Air Elder Bayu Matuu resigns from his position to focus on his personal life, choosing Island Elder Dororo to temporarily oversee the Southern Temple and its Defender branch.
  • Fire Lord Izel demands that the Air Nomad Tiny Ruzgar and Western Elder Puh Nuniq surrender themselves to the Fire Nation and Sun Warriors to face a trial answering for their separate attacks on Sun Chief N'Jadaka years ago, as well as unrestricted access to all Air Nation nodes for 20 years for the Fire Nation, Sun Warriors, and Earth Kingdom. Izel claims the demands are due to the Air Nation continually breaking promises and allowing criminal nomads into positions of power. Avatar Tharra tries to defuse the situation, the Earth Kingdom closes their borders to Air Nomads, and Eastern Elder Shu resigns and joins the Fire Nation. Shortly afterwards, when Western Elder Puh does not surrender herself, Fire Lord Izel increases the demands to include the cession of seven islands in the Southern Archipelago. After negotiations, Western Elder Puh decides to surrender and stand trial, the Air Nation accepts all demands but is able to haggle down to ceding only the islands of Kharabuja, Prahari, and Lhakhang, and Puh steps down as elder. The Sun Warriors then also close their borders to Air Nomads.
  • The Air Nation deals with an internal uprising by two acolytes alongside the Northern Prahari Ari Mizuki, who later leaves the rebellion, which then fails, and is promoted to Northern Elder.